Types of Energy Employers in Missouri
Investor-owned utilities (IOUs) are privately owned by individual investors, private funds, and private pension plans that purchase shares or stocks in the investor-owned utility for the purpose of receiving a financial return on investment. IOUs provide services that include electric generation, electric distribution, and natural gas distribution.
Municipal utilities (munis) are nonprofit entities that are publicly owned and controlled by local government agencies. Munis may also include services for natural gas, water, sewage, and telecommunications. There are more than 2,000 munis in the U.S.
Electric cooperatives (co-ops) are private, not-for-profit businesses governed by their consumers. Most co-ops distribute electricity to consumers through low-voltage residential lines. Many of these distribution co-ops have joined to create co-ops that provide them with generation and transmission services. There are more than 900 electric co-ops in the U.S.
Natural Gas and Electric Contractors are companies that provide resources to engineer, construct, repair, and maintain the energy infrastructure.